Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"The Homeless White Man" -Inspired by true event #8/22/2012

"The Homeless White Man"

-Inspired by true event...

I gave twenty dollars to a "homeless white man" today.
An older couple with skin opposite of mine,
concentrated their vision on our confrontation.
Generations have passed on, but survival of the fittest,
has no pigmentation.
The "homeless white man”,
was simply trying to avoid starvation.

Assistance would come with no denigration,
as this man's life is a "mystery" to me.
Standing adjacently,
his dirty shirt reflected "The Dukes of Hazzard",
and a notable car called "The General Lee".
A true definition of the south was a reality,
and both of our history to some degree.
The "homeless white man",
reached out his hand,
and whispered the words..."I'm Hungry".

This situation felt like payback,
in the form of "indirect" reparations.
Visions of 4 little girls,
 killed by "bombs" at 16th Street Baptist Church,
still "Hurts".
I pulled my empty hand back in temporary anger.
The "homeless white man" was a stranger,
and not responsible for his fathers indiscretions.
I know that a giving heart and an open mind,
will sustain your "every" blessing,
and "evolve" the times.

How can our "Flag Wave High",
with people eating and living on the streets?
It's like they sit there letting time fly,
feeling abandoned and "ready to die"...I almost "Cry".
To deny these tears would justify,
the pain this nation has placed on us.
We are divided by "Politics" and "Religion",
but the "God of Life",
resides within our "Spirit".
As a green piece of paper,
with Andrew Jackson's image changed hands,
the "homeless white man" said "Bless You",
while the gas pump stopped.
His shadow started to disappear into the night.
I try to do what's right but this fight,
is what we all should be "Voting" for.
No longer can we ignore,
the less fortunate...."The Poor".

The End

 (c) Tony Hanes Poetry 2012

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