(A)fter the nightmare,
Romeo sat up shivering in a cold sweat.The (B)ed, resembled a place where chivalry,
was filled with lies and regrets.
Juliet felt (C)onnected but feared,
bad dreams were a sure sign of punishment,
a sure sign of (D)eath.
(E)ach passing Moon,
(F)ueds ended with passionate (G)yrations.Secret lovers who one day might face,
(H)umiliation, (I)dentification, and a (J)ury,
for their lack of marital dedication.
The door (K)nob to the bathroom,
was pulled firmly,
as she (L)ooked at herself in the (M)irror,
knowing her old life would (N)ever be the same.
Their sins couldn't be any clearer.
She cried, but he couldn't hear her.
Rain unleashed pain on the window,
as he glanced (O)utside,realizing how bad of a (P)arent and spouse,
he had decided to be.
No longer a true provider,
Romeo (Q)uietly (R)aised another glass,
of Cabernet (S)auvignon, his favorite wine.
this is truly the last (T)ime.
(U)nder different circumstances,
this love could be magical not a tragedy.The affair had become (V)ery complicated,
they dated in college,
now work at the same News Station.
(W)hile packing each suitcase,
Romeo and Juliet knew,
the escapade would end on this date.
(X)avier, the name of her husband and son,
had sent numerous text,
but her phone was in the Range Rover.
Even if she (Y)earned for Romeo again,
in her heart she knew the FUN was over.
Fog disrupted his vision,
the car slid and made a collision,
floating off the bridge,
10 minutes from their "gig".
The End
(@) Tony Hanes Poetry 2012